Data transfer
All taiga devices have a single data transfer protocol. By supporting one of our devices, you will get support for all of our Taiga IoT devices.
Online Parser

Examples of data packages

Enter your package received from the taiga device

The result of parsing the package

The composition of the data package
Package header
The packet header is present in every packet that the device sends. The packet header contains information about the device's power source, battery charge, device serial number, protocol version, and packet size.
Frame 1
Then follow the frames.
Each frame contains information about the type of frame, the reason for the formation, the time of formation and the measurements themselves.
Frame N
Example of package parsing
Information about the power supply of the device
10001000 0 - in binary representation.
0 - is the type of power supply, the value 0 corresponds to battery power.
1000 - in decimal form 72.
72% is the battery charge.

Information about the device protocol
111 0 001 1 - in binary representation
1 - is a flag that tells us that the device serial number is present in the header.
001 - is in decimal form 1, this is the protocol version of the device.
0 - is a flag that indicates that there is no packet size information in the packet header.
111 - RFU

Since in the previous byte the value of the device serial number presence flag is 1, the data of 4 bytes is the serial number.
Pay attention! The byte order is little-endian, 0x047868d5.
In decimal form it is 75000021, in this form it is printed on the label of the device.

Since there is no information about the size of the package, we begin to disassemble the frame.
0000 000000010011 - in binary representation
000000010011 - frame type, 0x13, motion detection frame.
0000 - is the reason for the frame formation, 0x00 - is regular.
Pay attention! The byte order is little-endian, 0x646b983.
1684126083 - in decimal representation. This is the time of packet formation, which corresponds to the value 15.05.23 04:48:03 GMT

Since the frame type is "motion detection frame", this byte indicates whether motion is detected or not.
0 - in decimal representation. Which corresponds to the value - there is no motion.

There is no more data
If there is no more data, then the package has been completely disassembled.
Otherwise, we would have parsed the next byte, which would be the header of the frame and, depending on the type of frame, we would have continued to parse the data.
  • Question:
    How many frames can there be in one device?
    Devices accumulate measurements in accordance with the logic of their work, form a queue of frames from them and get in touch, send as many frames as they can in one package. There can be a large number of frames in one package.
  • Question:
    Is there any order for the frames in the package?
    Frames are transmitted in the order they were formed. There may be situations when frames will not be sent in the order of formation.
  • Question:
    Can frames of different types come in the same package?
    Yes, frames of different types can come in one package. There may be situations when, for example, 2 temperature frames will be present in one packet, then 1 gnss frame, then a temperature frame.
  • Question:
    What byte order is used in the protocol?
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